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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_jadxxfh wrote

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Firespark7 t1_jae38gk wrote

Or it's about a time traveler who was sent back from a timeline in which the Titanic didn't sink, which was worse than our timeline, so his assignment was to make sure the Titanic sank. This is why he let go, even though there was plenty space: he had to die to not get stuck in a time(line) in which he didn't belong!


Fake_William_Shatner t1_jaeqrd4 wrote

The Titanic is a movie about a lady who stays single her entire life so she can throw in the ocean a precious jewel she stole to remind herself not to get trapped again in a marriage or on anything that sinks without enough life rafts.

There's also a big boat that sinks.