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DeadBornWolf t1_jabg8vv wrote

Fun fact: Not in german. In german we call “W” “weh”, but we call “Y” “Ypsilon” like the greek letter, pronounced “Üpsilon”


DryGaming14 t1_jabj9my wrote

I think there is a similar thing in Europe with the letter Z where it is pronounced like "Zed". Correct me if I am wrong


Aedaru t1_jabvafv wrote

As far as I know it's only some English dialects eg American English that say "zee". Most other languages, including English, say something closer to "zed"


DeadBornWolf t1_jabjn9j wrote

Well yes, German does pronounce “Z” as “Zett”, so I guess there is also a language which pronounces it with the softer ending “Zed”


enceps2 t1_jabk8xt wrote

That would be english.


DeadBornWolf t1_jabljkh wrote

Well, I know that you can pronounce it “zee” or “zed” but i’m never sure with one is british english and which is american english. but maybe i can memorize it this time 😂


MrsBox t1_jac6f8k wrote

English is zed. Simplified English is zee.


magpye1983 t1_jac0nga wrote

As an aid to your memory, have this funny phrase

“You’re off your ‘ead, zed”


LiqdPT t1_jabzyzy wrote

Literally every other English speaking country other than the US. Including Canada.


Deoxys2000 t1_jac38f4 wrote

"Zed" is still considered one syllable right? Or were you just commenting on how letters have different names in different countries?


Excellent-Map-3412 t1_jabz4sa wrote

In Turkish we have Ğ whis is a soft G. It's almost always silent though. Like the word "dağ" (mountain in Turkish) is pronounced like "daa" and the letter actually becomes noticeable when you say something like "dağa" (to the mountain)


Pasame20 t1_jac6uvu wrote

In French “Y” is pronounced “ygrek” (ee-greck) and “W” is “double-vé” (literally: “double V”)


coconutting_ t1_jac7uue wrote

we say ee-greck too but i think we stole that from yall since we use french loanwords a lot (NL) ygreck, greek y, ypsilon


Aramor42 t1_jabtsap wrote

In Dutch we say either iegrek (don't know if that's how you spell it, but that's how you pronounce it) or Griekse IJ (Greek Y, except we use the other Y sound which you get by writing ij)


superkoning t1_jac5cmx wrote

but only for the special cases. When a Dutch persons says the alfabet, he/she will say "ij" (no idea what that is in English phonetic).

ijs = ij s

Het IJ.


Aramor42 t1_jac5ll4 wrote

True, when reciting the alphabet. However, in my experience, when you're spelling something out people usually say iegrek or Griekse IJ.


superkoning t1_jac61wk wrote


Spell "ijs" ... "lange ij - s"

Spell "eis" ... "korte ei - s"

Spell "x + y = 5" ... "x plus ij is vijf"



Spell "dyslexie, hymne, gymnasium, idylle, mysterie, pygmeeën, symfonie,symposium, symptoom, ypsilon." ... then I would say "griekse ij" and maybe maybe "ygrek" ... as there are no dots on the y (unlike ij)


Aramor42 t1_jac72f7 wrote

Yeah but the exceptions are actually with an y. Ijs and eis are not spelled with an y, so when spelling those out one wouldn't say ygrek or Griekse ij.

I was only talking about the letter y, not ei or ij.


coconutting_ t1_jac7xmt wrote

rarely used but still used is also ypsilon, but i think its the most uncommon kind (some people here use it all the time tho)


NaughtyJimFace t1_jacfh30 wrote

Wow! Now I have to google how to sing the alphabet in Deutsch. I'm expecting hyjinx.


DeadBornWolf t1_jacho8u wrote

I can try and spell it out, it’s not that different to the english version, just pronounced a bit differently:

(the „eh“ is pronounced somewhat like the „ea“ in bear or pear)

Ah, Beh, Ceh, Deh, Eh, Eff, Geh, Hah, I (pronounced like the english E), Jott, Kah, Ell, Em, Enn, Oh, Peh, Koo (Q), Err, Ess, Teh, Uhh, Vao, Weh, Iks (X), Üpsilon (Y), Tsett (Z)

and then we have the Umlaute Ä, Ü, Ö, which are not included in our standard ABC-Song. And there’s „ß“ as a sharp „S“, which is not used as commonly anymore but still is standard for some words


BigBirdOpensDoor t1_jacu9wu wrote

In out Talking-Tree country. We call w as "wuh" or "vee-kep" which means "double-v", I as "ee", y as "ee zai"


Karl-o-mat t1_jabgqg2 wrote

For a good reason. The Ü-psilon is a "short" ü. A simple Ü. The normal Ü is used when the sound is a bit longer than the Y. So basically the Y is just an other Ü.


DeadBornWolf t1_jabhok4 wrote

But sometimes we pronounce it “J”, like in Yacht. And sometimes it’s an “I” like in “Handy” or “Baby”


jellohello13 t1_jabyb64 wrote

What? Y isn't just the short version of ü, it's pronounced long like in the word Typ. Also ü can be long or short on its own, so what do you mean, "For a good reason." Actually, the only reason y exists in german because of greek loan words. And while it is usually pronounced like an ü it's also pronounced like a y in english, due to newer loan words.