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embracing_insanity t1_ja6jov3 wrote

Or can remember some annoying jingle from an old commercial, but forget a password I use all the time.


greenappletree t1_ja6k576 wrote

Worse - Can continue to play and repeat said jingo all day.


cursed-being t1_ja6pe2b wrote

Even worse it only remembers the most annoying bits so you don’t know how it goes and can’t finish it in your head and never get the closure you need to get it out.


Dnoxl t1_ja7es9k wrote

I wanted to buy a capri sun when i was like 4? It cost 1€ but i was unfamiliar with the concept of cents and euros so i handed the cashier 1 ct. I still feel awkward about this memory. What did i have for breakfast?


PinkLedDoors t1_ja6qqy5 wrote

“F-R-E-E that spells free!!”


Ad_1221 t1_ja883bx wrote

Call J-G Wentworth, 8-7-7 CASH NOW!

"𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠!"


Ad_1221 t1_ja88ey3 wrote

Or the fact that most of us know this number even though we have never dialed it🤣 800-588-2300


PinkLedDoors t1_jacu2v7 wrote

Is that for mesothelioma patients??


Ad_1221 t1_jadcl7y wrote

Lmao ironically thats my COD name😂 but 2300 is not. Honestly don't remember what JG Wentworth was for🤔 I think they buy out structured settlements


PinkLedDoors t1_jaeby7q wrote

That’s awesome!! Yea no clue.. but thanks to Wilford Brimly I do know a decent amount about medical liberty and Diabeetus


Anakin_Skywanker t1_ja7jp5x wrote

Credit report dot com bay bee. Saw their ad on my TV. Thought about going but was too lay zee. Too bad I didn't know my credit was whack. So now I'm driving off the lot in a used sub compact.


chronos7000 t1_ja85g1n wrote

"It's a good time, for the great taste, OF McDONALD'S!"