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_Katrinchen_ t1_ja9dv8j wrote

Are you perhaps thinking about Larry the Lobster? Krsbs can be red narurally. And Larry is probably red because it's more recognizanble for the kids


Lazy_Physicist t1_ja9gtlf wrote

Or he spent so much time tanning in the sun at the beach that his shell cooked...or some other justification


djsedna t1_jaa0hm9 wrote

Lobsters can also (rarely) be red/orange as well

The title is just pure mental gymnastics and not even close to a showerthought


_curious_one t1_jaaamaz wrote

I mean it’s a showerthought in that it’s not a very deep thought and you think it up without looking up outside information.


-meriadoc- t1_jaadw89 wrote

How is this not close to a shower thought? Daydreaming about sponge Bob in the shower doesn't seem unlikely. Just because OP isn't correct doesn't make it not a shower thought. I'm sure people make incorrect assumptions in the shower all the time.