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Talasko t1_j8xye5p wrote

We need to change the name then, because i think of millenials as people younger than me and more annoying. I was fifteen at the turn of the millenium so like i dont associate my real childhood with it, more with nirvana and shag carpetting and a wood panelled station wagon


calliope720 t1_j8y14fj wrote

I don't discount your experience, but in fairness, 15 is still a VERY formative period in a person's life, and it's still accurate to say that your development was heavily affected by what was happening at the turn of the millennium. The generations aren't defined by young childhood only.

I would agree though that the way we divide generations right now isn't especially helpful for making meaningful inferences about lived experience besides development of technology and wartimes. Things move too fast, and have since the 70s.

But it's also unhelpful to make too many micro-generations. I was born in 90, and I feel like my experience was vastly different than that of someone born in 95 or 85, but it's because I'm focusing too closely on my own personal experience instead of population averages.


Talasko t1_j8yfjsz wrote

Sigh, of course you are right about the averages, maybe its more of a misnomer then, like call us anything but millenials, i really would have thought 1995-2005 would be millenial


SadLaser t1_j8yu7ur wrote

It doesn't get named based on your personal experience. It's a generic age range. It doesn't need to be anything else. What you stereotype a millennial as (being younger than you and more annoying) isn't part of what a generational grouping is. It's your own preconceived notions and ageist opinions.


Talasko t1_j8yuxfy wrote

Well i identify as gen x, and your bigotry towards my identity is appalling, for shame, for shame


SadLaser t1_j902tlr wrote

Nice try. That doesn't work that way.