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not_falling_down t1_ja4r75s wrote

On the other hand, Easter, Mardi Gras and Thanksgiving are each always on the same day of the week.


[deleted] t1_ja4rdyt wrote



not_falling_down t1_ja4rr1r wrote

What OP meant is not what OP actually said. Day of the week is fundamentally different from date.


NowAlexYT t1_ja4szc3 wrote

No he meant that they both will be on the same day as eachother. As in if july 4th is tuesday halloween is gonna be tuesday too


xan326 t1_ja4s1i4 wrote

Still wrong. What OP meant is that they're weekend holidays, where most participation is not on the day itself but the more convenient weekend around the holiday; thus the statement of them always being on the same day of the week.


Comfortable-Battle18 t1_ja4vdjf wrote

So he wrote something that was utterly failed to say anything close to what he meant?