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curiouscabbage69 t1_jedzv65 wrote

It is definitely used in context as a bad thing. White privilege. Male privilege. Where have you been for the last ten years? Lol


jctheclemente t1_jee048p wrote

Key word there is context bud. Context can usually change what words mean. I am privileged to know that.


curiouscabbage69 t1_jee08jc wrote

Yes, and this was the same context that they were using it in. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Haymac16 t1_jeev9tf wrote

Neither of those things you mentioned are bad things either though, and the fact that you think they are is telling. Having privilege isn’t something to feel bad about, it’s just an important thing to recognize.


curiouscabbage69 t1_jefrgzr wrote

Yeah, I'm not going to get in a conversation with you about this because I think we are too far apart on our thinking for it to be worthwhile for either of us