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ZeroBrs- t1_jco0hx4 wrote

You'd be shocked at how wrong that statement is and how ignorant and or stubborn a person can be 😂


Holiday_Chemistry_72 OP t1_jco0z1x wrote

Really? Oh shit 😂


LifelessLewis t1_jcpejw6 wrote

Yeah I nearly choked on some chicken one time, like proper choked, I managed to dislodge it myself though. Anyway, I still wolf down food that's too hot and don't chew it enough.

I also had food poisoning once when I was younger but it didn't stop me from eating a slightly moldy samosa for a fiver one time.


busyvish t1_jcpz6au wrote

Yep. Totally true. I lived in usa for like 6 years. Got used to the water and food there. Whenever id comeback home it would be a full on feast mode. No care in the world what i am eating as long as i am eating. Every fricking time i got food poisoning. Diarehha was constant. You know how would respond. "Yayyyyy, i can eat more!!!"


ZeroBrs- t1_jcpy7ma wrote

yeah another little story is i used to have a 3 dollar movie theater near me or maybe it was 4 anyways real cheap it even had date night discounts but they had these hotdogs for $1 they were great and delicious but every time you ate one you'd get stomach problems like actual stomach aches every time without fail and even the runs at times but it was so cheap and tasty and you were at the movies me and several friends said fuck it most of the time.


paigescactus t1_jcq6qy2 wrote

Just got over it and the first thing I craved was sushi.


Nofxthepirate t1_jcro0jx wrote

I was literally in the hospital twice in the last 2 months with food poisoning. After the first time I said never again, but I kept going to the place I suspected I got it from anyway and 2 weeks ago and it happened again. I haven't stopped eating out since then, just stopped going to that place.


Arcane_Jester t1_jcur5mt wrote

I got food poisoning twice, both times from 7-11 sandwiches


Humanoidfromagalaxy t1_jcq7kxs wrote

Was about to say. It Has never stopped me. I have a habit of picking the worst street food and tend to puke so much I pop the blood vessels in my face.


sean0883 t1_jco64js wrote

Not that we would know anything about that from personal experience....


JFp07gel t1_jcpcskm wrote

Exactly! I need to fuck up my stomach thrice to learnt my lesson


[deleted] t1_jcrqdmn wrote

If it’s worth it, I can take a bout of food poisoning any day.


ObsceneGesture4u t1_jcprvqt wrote

I got food poisoning in India. Didn’t stop me from eating street food the day after I recovered


Ok_Present_6508 t1_jcqr2fi wrote

Yup. One bad experience with a food I love doesn’t mean it’s always going to be bad thereafter.


High_Jumper81 t1_jcs28my wrote

Right. My whole family got I’ll from a Carls Jr. near Los Banos. It took 25 years, but yep, I had a Carl’s Jr a few weeks ago in Oakland CA. I didn’t notice any increase in my toilet use that day.