Philo-pilo t1_jdilio2 wrote
Reply to comment by Zeione29047 in Adults that act like children a majority of their life result in their children having to act like adults for a majority of theirs. by Hardcorish
No the system has problems because of the morons. Look at intelligence and education level breakdowns between progressives and regressives. Regressives are literally destroying the world with the moronic things they hold dear.
Never going to be able to fix anything while millions of morons in red states vote against their own best interest in favor of enriching the wealthy. Just look at Ohio, they literally voted for deregulation and then got shocked when they got derailment.
The world would immediately improve if all conservatives died off. Just look at the states that went blue solely because enough conservatives got themselves Herman Cain awards during covid.
Zeione29047 t1_jdir1nf wrote
Those “moronic things” are what things they call dear. Their families, their wealth, and their lifestyle. You can’t be mad at them for wanting a better life and succeeding, but now you think it’s ok to bash them when they are prioritized over you? Get real, there’s 7 billion people on this earth, all with parents, grandparents, and ancestors.
The small amount of people you’re talking about didn’t kill themselves off enough to have a continued effect you think is beneficial. Being mad that rich people do rich people things is like getting mad it rains. We can sit here and argue blue vs red all day, but that doesn’t change the fact that we have problems caused by all of this tomfoolery.
Philo-pilo t1_jdix6fo wrote
Or we could take their heads. Eating the rich is a legitimate possibility.
And it kept evil conservatives from taking the senate, so it did some good. Too bad it couldn’t have kept them from taking the house too. And they’re not personally doing better, middle America is living in 3rd world conditions and thanking the oligarchs for their scraps. They’re absolutely stupid and evil to vote the way they do.
And they deserve every bit of hardships coming their way. And the empathy on the side with the educated folks is falling by the day. I wouldn’t be in favor of a single federal dime spent on the cleanup in Ohio. Vote for deregulation, deal with deregulation. Hopefully their kids end up sterile and take care of the problem for us.
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