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t1_je4sk4f wrote

Probably not. Some people have been assumed dead and then have reappeared alive though.


t1_je4x2ow wrote

But then that wouldn’t be your death certificate anymore


t1_je5tzh8 wrote

Sure it is, has your name on it and says certificate of death.


t1_je66k7p wrote



t1_je67uoi wrote

Power move, if you hate someone have a prefilled out death certificate (you can provably find a template online and print it out) then hand it to the person.


t1_je7nfgd wrote

I would rather see that than my obituary if I was an asshole all my life and knew it.

I believe that’s why the Nobel prize was invented.

Nobel saw his premature obituary and said “fuck that. I’m not being remembered as an arms dealer”


t1_je71hqc wrote

I decided enough is enough. Time to prove some random internet stranger wrong. I write up a plan and put everything in place over the course of several years. Next, I enact my plan. Sell my things, catch a bus to a cheap area, and grab my documents. Upon arrival, I make a few purchases and grease the palms of those that would be useful. Through a carefully formulated psychological warfare strategy, I simultaneously get rid of those who stand in my way and gain capital through my venture. The factory is printing death certificates on the cheap for the whole of my country. I watch every single certificate as it's being made. It's at this juncture that I know that I will have seen my own death certificate for sure so long as I never sleep. I realize I could just have gone to a single coroner's as I was dying and taken a quick glance at their blank death certificates...

TLdR: I have too much free time and manufacture death certificates, but that backfires


t1_je5u8i8 wrote

Peoole who have been missing for X number of years and then presumed dead also have death certificates, then the person is actually found or returns can see their death certificate


t1_je7cd8a wrote

Someone out there who's faked their death well enough surely has.


t1_je7ebk0 wrote

Except for that romanian guy that moved from Romania to Turkey and after a while there was an earthquake in Turkey and his wife back in Romania declared him dead (they were separated and not in contact). After about 10 years he came back and he wanted to renew his ID Card and he was presented with the fact that it is impossible due to him being dead. Afterwards he contested in front of a judge, the judge denied it based on the fact 5 years passed and because, watch this, there was no proof he was alive. It was a meme for a while. I dunno if he is alive now lmao.

On another fact he called his wifes clitoris "enlongated, shaped like a small penis"


t1_je7z835 wrote

Like when my wife and I announced her first pregnancy to a friend (not family FFS) by casually setting out prenatal vitamins, someone could announce your impending murder by leaving your death certificate where you will find it.


t1_je6xtmp wrote

Get yourself a death sentence and you could get them to fill it out in advance


t1_je7pk22 wrote

Well, if you are someone who is certified to write one as well as a physician who can designate the cause of death, fill it out with cause of death being gunshot wound to the head, make the time of death a minute after you sign it, and then follow through, you will have seen it.


t1_je7dff1 wrote

Mindblown. Because I honestly thought I was at least kind of smart until I read this and realized I had never thought of this.


t1_je7gll8 wrote

Eh. Just one more opportunity for someone behind a keyboard to mess up my name.


t1_je7xo0g wrote

Nah imma be a ghost and come back and haunt these fuckers so maybe I’ll catch a glimpse of the paper


t1_je80ufj wrote

This reminds me of the news article where a Romanian court tells a man he is not alive.

Basically, the man was presumed dead in 2003 and couldn't renew some of his documents in order to set up a business because the prescriptive period within which he could have contested the death certificate had lapsed.


t1_je810wl wrote

You don't know my plans! How else would I know my plan succeeded?


t1_je81sek wrote

What if I fake my death and one night sneak in to the building where they keep my record, take a photo of it with a grin, appear during my funeral and shout "I did it!" Holding my phone in the air while guests fainting and screaming.


t1_je83gfp wrote

Or your obituary. I’m going to write my own demanding it to be what everyone will read in my will.


t1_je86qyr wrote

Unless you die for a few hours and come back and see it. There's a loophole.


t1_je8jx93 wrote

Jokes on you. I have at least 7 certifications and degrees on my wall that equate to my death in public accounting.


t1_je8kvz7 wrote

Alfred Nobel read his own obituary after it was erroneously published after his brother’s death. The obituaries referred to him as “The Merchant of Death” and the realization that his invention of dynamite would be his legacy caused him to create the Nobel Prize.


t1_je8r86e wrote

But pretty cool if you do, meaning faking your death and funeral and looking at it from afar.


t1_je90oju wrote

You won’t, I’m gonna roam the subways like that guy in the Ghost movie


t1_je95cak wrote

Not until everyone gets really cool about necromancy we wont.


t1_je9hmfg wrote

Reincarnation though. Depends on who you consider to be you though. Debatable.


t1_je9n144 wrote

That's for your spouse or kids to show you're dead and get the insurance money


t1_jea38ew wrote

This made me cry cuz my dad just died and we’re waiting on his death certificate to finalize everything


t1_je7j9a5 wrote

In 1975 a bright kindergartener with dad in Defense wanting to be James Bond when I grew up, I spearheaded the develop of cyborg technology for a multinational task force mapping the brain per Jesus in Matthew 20 telling us to get our lazy butts to work building heaven, so there's a good chance my new sleeve would be able to see it.

In the meantime, if you ever woke up in Sunday school thinking you fell asleep, you might want to add #MeToo and #WhyIDidntReport to your hashtag campaigns.
