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koozy407 t1_iuh5too wrote

Because people need to fucking eat. Not everyone has the luxury to wait for that perfect paying job. Get your head out of your ass.


TheCrotchyDoll t1_iuh5wv2 wrote

How is my decision going out to eat responsible for your decision taking a underpaid job?


koozy407 t1_iuh5zk4 wrote

Huh? No one said you were responsible? I said people take the job because they need to eat as in PAY THEIR BILLS. Then I said get your head out of your ass which I still stand by


Lockett4HOF t1_iujp58x wrote

Don't even listen to this guy, just some criminal who has no idea what it's like to actually work I this world


Ordinary-Bathroom-26 t1_iuhnk34 wrote

Man get out of here with that bullshit there’s so many jobs right now it’s even fucking funny and nobody to work them , literally more jobs than there are people.