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WorthySparkleMan t1_iuhppl5 wrote

Opposite is true as well. You probably did a nice thing and forgot about it but that someone didn’t.

I remember I was 22 and my mom met an old high school friend of mine. That friend said, had I not helped her everyday, she wouldn’t have passed math that year. I don’t remember jack shit but it raised my self esteem so much. How many good things do you do that YOU take for granted? Probably a lot more than you think.


edessa_rufomarginata t1_iuhtrgw wrote

I had a guy I knew in high school approached me a couple years ago and thanked me for being one of the few people that he has pleasant memories of from high school. I never thought much of the kid either way and wasn't sure we really interacted that much, but clearly there was something I said or did at some point that made a positive impact on someone that was going through it, and that's nice.

On the other hand, my partner and I were leaving a bar a few months ago and some woman I didn't recognize loudly called me a bitch from the other side of the bar. So apparently I didn't have such a positive impact on her.