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SomeDudeist t1_iu49cma wrote

My purpose is to explore purpose


clitter-box t1_iu4batq wrote

what have you found so far?


SomeDudeist t1_iu4hndw wrote

Ultimately I think it just comes down to helping people. You know feed clothe and offer shelter to the people around you if you can.

I'm a little self conscious about talking about my own thoughts honestly. Lol but I think the happiest people live for others. But not to the point of being stepped on and taken advantage of. There's a lot of nuance to consider.


00000110100100 t1_iu4mz3k wrote

I completely agree with you, as someone who’s never happier than when I’m improving someone else’s life. There was one time I was leaving the grocery store and a lady rode up to me on a bike, asked if I could help her buy dinner for her family. I said sure, put my groceries in my car, and went back into the store with her. We walked through the whole store and I chatted with her while she grabbed what she needed. It was one of the best moments in my life. Ironically, it’s helping family/friends/people who know you personally that you need to be careful with. I’m always happy to help a stranger, but make sure to have boundaries when helping friends/family, especially when it comes to money.