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CoMMoN_EnEmY01 t1_iuhcpdl wrote

Dental also isn’t universal in Canada unfortunately, though I think we are actually currently in the early process of making it that way


AV196 t1_iuhrxfg wrote

Norway! Where you pay most of your income in tax and then have to pay private dental care!!!

Many Norwegians have bad teeth!


Snizl t1_iui545h wrote

Most countries dont have it included. I think Germany is one of the very few where its covered for children and partially covered for adults.


AV196 t1_iui6rko wrote

Exactly. So blaming America for not having it is ridiculous. At least in ‘murica people have high salaries and pay little tax.


ForceOfAHorse t1_iuhusdh wrote



sicname321 t1_iuhwtcy wrote



ForceOfAHorse t1_iuhxg3d wrote

I'm not familiar with systems outside of Earth, so can't tell you if covering dental under universal healthcare is something typical in 'osmos or not.