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unclefishbits t1_iuffm2k wrote

I record horizontally and post on there without giving a damn that it ruins my chances of anyone watching it because it's the principle.


ceilingscorpion t1_iufiw5z wrote

Snapchat did it first. I hope TikTok dies a swift death much like Snapchat has


Front_stranger7575 t1_iufpj4o wrote

What r the kids using these days? I feel old but I’m not but I am -.-


Zealousideal_Role189 t1_iufxfrg wrote

I never cared. Never had a preference. Never thought about it.

Looks like I saved myself time and energy.


DeltaStrike7 t1_iugu7si wrote

Honestly why can’t the develop a camera that records portrait and landscape at the same time.

Like if you don’t want it landscape it will automatically scale it to portrait without losing visual quality


Consistent_Internal5 t1_iugy9b8 wrote

When we’re on phones more than laptops/desktops, vertical video is simply more convenient than constantly turning the phone when scrolling, or multitasking. Instagram adopting and promoting reels probably made it more mainstream than tik tok alone.


Dusty170 t1_iugz9gb wrote

Set back horizontal filming adoption by decades, decades I say.


pontiflexrex t1_iuh6514 wrote

TikTok was not the first, and there was vertical film festivals before it even existed. But sure, it helped, along with every other social media platform.


D4M0theking t1_iuh7qqt wrote

Reddit is, as per definition, no social media, but a forum. On Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and probably Tiktok (I don't use it so I don't know exactly), people you know are suggested for you to follow/add. Likes are also often public. Reddit is way more anonymous. If you fuck up on, let's say Twitter, by saying something controversial, people are gonna remember you for that. That works for both good and bad things. Your history on Reddit is way less important than on other sites. If you get up- or downvoted depends on what you say, not what you said.


J-DROP t1_iuh9sjq wrote

Tiktok is also a graveyard for our favourite throwback music, songs I once loved, now annoy me


BrothrsSistersofKind t1_iuhaev7 wrote

It is a Chinese company who also made it possible to commit a cultural genocide so the rest of us could buy cheaply made sneakers so...


tejanaqkilica t1_iuhbqzk wrote

That doesn't exist and can't be made.

The only option would be to implement tricks, like for example have a camera that records in a 1:1 aspect ration and they put an overlay on the viewfinder for 16:9 and 9:16 and you can keep your subject in line as you see fit and then choose in post production which one serves you better.

Having said that, I think another reason why people film vertically it's because it's less awkward to hold your phone vertically that it is horizontally. It's why I loved BlackBerry back in the day because they had rotated the camera 90 degrees so that it would film horizontally while keeping the phone vertically.


Zephyr-2210 t1_iuhco65 wrote

More like just smartphones with cameras did. You actually think tiktok is the first camera/video app that's ever existed in smartphones? You must be like 10...


TotallyMojo t1_iuheqv7 wrote

I think it has become standard because people don't have the energy to turn their phone.
Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok...


TrashbatLondon t1_iuhi4a7 wrote

But you can, if you choose, use reddit as social media. I’d define social media as anything that allows users to publish content and connect with each other. Reddit also operates as a forum, but a forum generally doesn’t have the ability to follow individual users.


Successful-Singer-76 t1_iuhuhfd wrote

Yes it can.. The camera could record in 1:1 aspect ratio, then crop the image depending on if it's landscape or vertical. You could even have the option to save the cropped out bits meaning you could adjust the images along one axis after the fact.


Infammo t1_iuhvw7q wrote

Every day that passes Vine slips further and further into historical obscurity.


Afferbeck_ t1_iuj2per wrote

The only time vertical videos was an issue was about 10 years ago when it was common for videos to get converted from portrait to landscape. This resulted in huge black bars, and when viewed in portrait on a phone or without being fullscreened, the video ends up as a tiny speck by black. Since then, content created on and designed to be viewed on phones has become standard, and portrait videos make sense and aren't a problem.


andrewcassmusician t1_iujc7ln wrote

I think Snapchat really was the one to lead the charge. Maybe Instagram. Every post-Facebook social media app where you can post pictures, basically. It baffled me for a long time. I’ve shifted now to taking a good mixture of photos and videos in both styles, and have come to see the positive qualities of both :) But for a while the shift made me VERY uncomfortable!


Aarvon360 t1_iujvb0y wrote

Brings me back to the Glove and Boots days. VVS is a real thing


kmoney1206 t1_iuk7lru wrote

I was recently at the jack harlow concert in minneapolis and of course hundreds of people were recording. I found it kind of fascinating that every single one of them that i could see was using snapchat