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Fender6187 t1_iu4a9fi wrote

She doesn’t drink because she a narcissist, but she definitely thinks her own emotions and feelings on any matter are more important than everyone else’s.

Most recently, my sister broke up with her BF of five years and my mom liked the dude a lot. She felt hurt when my sister ended things and took it out on her. This was months ago and she still says awful things to her about it. Not once did she ever think to console her or understand why the relationship ended. She made it about her. This is what she does.


UDPviper t1_iudji8v wrote

My mom once asked me if I ever thought about how much it hurt her to watch me go through a divorce. I was so shocked that I couldn't even form a reply.

If you had a loved one that was dying from cancer, would you rail on them because they never recognized how hard it was to watch them going through it, as if that was more horrible than actually being the one dying from cancer?

This is my mom.