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Bad_but_Learning t1_iu6fwcv wrote

>If people want to believe that’s their choice. Logic doesn’t matter, especially in times of need, like grief.

Grieving with logic is more difficult, but overall far more healthy. Knowing you only have one chance with loved ones makes the time you have with them that much more cherished. Thinking that your family is waiting for you in some imaginary place, or will come back through reincarnation doesn't let people accept death for what it is, and sometimes treat the living far worse.. because you can "see them after death". If you can't move past the denial stage of grief you won't ever heal or come to terms with reality.


>People grieve those with dementia because they are being taken from us while we watch. It’s a horror that sometimes they “come back” and then are taken again.

It's a harsh reality of life, but that doesn't make it easier, I know -- and there isn't really anything anyone could say to make it "better" or easier for the people going through it.