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nitrohigito t1_iu75tgb wrote

> You're allowed to express your opinion but there's no need to be a dick about jfc. You ever heard of the word "ignore"? Especially if you can say that it's not causing problems, then you're literally just going out of your way to say your opinion and be mean about it.

No, I didn't. I didn't bring up religion until you and the other person pressed on, I didn't elaborate on my opinion until I was explicitly asked to, and if you think

> I'm just glad I'm not an ass about it when I do

you're not only being dishonest to me, but to yourself as well.

> I can't imagine ignoring something you don't like takes more energy then to go out of your way to be mean about it

Considering I didn't go out of my way, and the extent I "didn't like this thing" was quite severe, yes, it would have absolutely been more effort. By your logic, you could have "just ignored" what I wrote, I would have been justified telling you to "just go away", and it would have apparently been far easier for you to do so than typing out two massive comments about how miserable you find me.

The absolute hypocrisy you're putting on display is incredible. Go do some soul searching before picking fights with people who you're absolutely in no way superior to, thank you very much.