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MayorOfSmurftown t1_ixx9mpt wrote

Beauty is too subjective for there to be a single "most beautiful person on Earth".


RiC_David t1_ixy8jc6 wrote

It's amazing how many people think this is just some falsehood said to make people feel better and not an obviously self evident truth.

There are majority opinions (within groups), but not unanimous agreement.

The women I find most beautiful are never the women many if any of my peers find most beautiful. I've had people tell me I'm lying and must think a Megan Fox type is the most attractive sort of woman, and not hollow and phony looking to me.

The conventionally attractive (something that varies with culture, region and time period) are still attractive to me, but often far far less than others who most see as normal or plain looking. People can't grasp that if I could have the same woman as a partner but choose whether she looks like whatever glammy glossy celeb is popular, or a woman I find mesmerisingly beautiful, I'd choose the latter because that's who looks more appealing to me.