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Showerthoughts_Mod t1_iy6u9p0 wrote

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OfCourseIKnowHim t1_iy6zn8g wrote

Dust is mostly skin cells. So there’s dead skin cells everywhere.


soupyconch t1_iy72pi6 wrote

Puts a new meaning to putting every bit of yourself into a dish..


necrid101 t1_iy964ko wrote

Even if you eat food harvest by other people it could be the same principle just in lower dosage.

You see the produce section at your grocery store? Probably hundreds of different people's cell on there. Maybe even someone who is already dead since you touch the fruit.


Gullible_Clown_ t1_iybbkge wrote

That’s the secret ingredient bro. Why else can no one ever top grandmas cooking?