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Brain-of-Sugar t1_iy0f57y wrote

Because I definitely partake in unhealthy coping mechanisms like that. Yep. Absolutely accurate.

It's gambling. If you don't have that high of moral standards, then there's not much point in arguing about it unless you want to try and convince me that it's not predatory and that poorer areas and black neighborhoods are disproportionally targeted by it?

Edit since I saw yours: Not really. I don't drink. I also view that as useless, though not as predatory since Americans have to be 21 to throw their money away getting alcohol.


MoonBearIsNotAmused t1_iy0jqgg wrote

So is you or me not buying a ticket magically gonna make anything that you mentioned change? You indirectly contribute to all the evil in the world just buy grocery shopping at Walmart. Ever bought chocolate? How does impoverished cocoa farmers who have never had chocolate taste? Get off your high horse and daydream about a jackpot once in a while