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throwamarlonwayans t1_j2e1siw wrote

I’ve always said they should’ve built the bridge across the oceans years ago. Would love nothing more than a nice relaxing road trip around the globe ☺️


Mrshmil t1_j2e3oee wrote



throwamarlonwayans t1_j2e42l7 wrote

I live in Wisconsin in usa so you can imagine getting to Spain or Asia can be quite a hassle. Just wish there was an easy route down the highway to make it easier 😮‍💨


dimesinger t1_j2eas87 wrote

Agreed. The “straight line” distance from Milwaukee to China is something like 7000 miles. Assuming you could average 70mph you’d only need a minimum of 100 hours of actual drive time to reach your destination… in reality it would be many more than that… across a mostly empty expanse of ocean with no gas station, rest stops, hotels, or restaurants. Nice and easy!