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Idontwantyourfuel t1_j2ds89g wrote

We're just creating another mass extinction event. The earth has seen multiple of those and it'll see more. We're not likely to.


Hadochiel t1_j2e3nan wrote

Except the greenhouse effect is exponential, Earth will likely end up like Venus; we'll effectively have destroyed the ecosystem beyond repair


Komrade_Yuri t1_j2eem73 wrote

Earth has been here before us, it will be here Afterwards with humanity as a footnote to the list of things it survived with little effort


Hadochiel t1_j2eeszu wrote

Here? Sure. But the concept of "Earth" as a planet that sustains life will be gone. But yeah, the third rock in orbit around Sol will still be there


Komrade_Yuri t1_j2eevzc wrote

It will heal in time


Hadochiel t1_j2ef2rs wrote

Exponential rise of the temperatures isn't exactly something that can be reversed in a closed system. Again, look at Venus


Komrade_Yuri t1_j2efabk wrote

Perhaps, not like we'll be here to know for sure.


Criticalhit_jk t1_j2f9b5e wrote

It's not as if actions do not have consequences; some things cannot be undone or magicked away. Humans have already done irreversible things to the planet and blindly assuming our guilt as a species will evaporate when we're gone is awfully optimistic


richardsonhr t1_j2dtkex wrote

Humans can't destroy the Earth. The Earth will be fine.

We are at risk, however, to make the Earth uninhabitable for ourselves.


digital_disposition t1_j2dvhir wrote

I feel like it'll be a counter attack from Earth. We continue to hurt it so much that finally she's just like, alright here's 40 days and 40 nights of rain. And then watch all the Jesus freaks come out and say, see Noah's ark was real, and then they drown and I laugh while on a roof and then I drown, then the Earth laughs.

Well that story took a turn.


mlody5527 t1_j2dqf9d wrote

Us humans think we have so much control. But we don’t. The earth and universe does what it wants.


khamelean t1_j2dqdib wrote

“We all”?? So just because you think it, that must mean everyone thinks it??


CookieForYall t1_j2duhjp wrote

It’s more of us pushing the Earth to a point where it’ll kill us


CptKoma t1_j2e6fk5 wrote

Humans will destroy humans. Earth will be fine. Just different


ctruemane t1_j2ebq9c wrote

There's no chance we'll destroy the earth. We'll just destroy the earth's ability to keep us alive.


GItPirate t1_j2e21gx wrote

In the end the sun will destroy the Earth. Either way the Earth will be gone.


No-Wonder1139 t1_j2f0m9a wrote

I'm not sure why people don't think the earth could become uninhabitable, it's been uninhabitable for most of its existence, Venus and Mars were at one point capable of sustaining life, neither can now. If anything it's an inevitability, we probably shouldn't run head first into that.


AxialGem t1_j2dkx6f wrote

I suspect before too long, old Earth will have to come get us if it wants us


WastedTalent442 t1_j2eqfeq wrote

Humans are part of the Earth, so neither is actually true, for now.

Until some humans leave the planet forever and grow their food from the matter of some other rock, humans are just fancy chunks of Earth that move around being all sentient and stuff.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j2dkdr6 wrote

This is a friendly reminder to read our rules.

Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

(For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, please read this page.)

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No_Category_3236 t1_j2e2b3f wrote

I often tell people that it's sad what humans have done to nature. But it's sadder what nature has done to humans.


smallgreenman t1_j2e6siw wrote

We don’t all think that. Being a doomer isn’t helping anyone.


ComprehensiveRate643 t1_j2ewsns wrote

We all think humans will destroy the humans, but in reality, humans will destroy humans far before that.