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BeepBlipBlapBloop t1_j24zimq wrote

"Was it difficult to hear what I said? Do you need me to repeat it?"


Fabulous_Book5526 t1_j255j2u wrote

That can come off as condescending


BeepBlipBlapBloop t1_j255qux wrote

Only if you say it condescendingly.


Fabulous_Book5526 t1_j257j18 wrote

Idk if someone I didn’t know well said that to me id probably assume they were acting like I was too dumb to understand even if they didn’t mean it like that


HighKiteSoaring t1_j26q103 wrote

Some things can just be interpreted as condescending.

Like... The phrase "thanks for that". It's basically impossible to say it right


HighKiteSoaring t1_j26py8a wrote

Yeah.. too difficult ? Maybe i should slow down? Yeah ok I'll do that.. 😂