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jbeeziemeezi t1_j26pkmx wrote

I watched jeopardy tonight live. I think a few million ppl were on the same time stamp.


Professional-Meal935 t1_j27nvj4 wrote

Gen Z kids am I right, they don’t even understand live tv!


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j2aatpu wrote

Dude... I'm in my late 30s... I thought the analytics and random chance of streamers around the world BY CHANCE watching the same thing is an interesting concept.


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j29as8c wrote

I'm in my late 30s. This was literally one of those random questions that popped into my mind. Geeeez people


Double-Working1990 OP t1_j29b1r7 wrote

I also watched jeopardy last night with my wife. It's so funny you all assume I'm Gen z.... I just had a random thought about streaming nowadays, its so funny how that touches such a nerve for people...


zvug t1_j29jz1z wrote

People are just messing around man, relax.


FetusDrive t1_j29i03g wrote

how did that touch a nerve to the person you are responding to?