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t1_j1zhdo3 wrote

The perspective a story is told from doesn't necessarily define the characters. If a person is not narcissistic, but if someone wrote a story about them, does that turn them into a narcissist?


OP t1_j1zj26u wrote

Well no. But in that story, the world doesn't revolve around the protagonist/characters in the same way as, say, a work of fiction, as the story is a direct reflection of real life, where the world does not revolve around the character.


t1_j22scvx wrote

I don’t think you properly grasp the concept of what a narcissist is. In a work of fiction the world SEEMS to revolve around the fictitious character because their perspective is the only one you’re given and the story revolves around events that occur to THEM so you empathize with them the most. But that does not mean the world revolves around them and even if it did (like some fictitious characters) that still does not make them a narcissist because a narcissist is by definition someone who has an inflated sense of self importance, whether they are actually more important or not has no effect whether they are narcissistic.

So unless a character outright states or acts like they’re worth more than other people, they are not a narcissist. Even if in the story everything is about them.