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GeneticPermutation t1_j2egkz0 wrote

There was an old Mitch Hedberg bit about this that I’ll probably butcher: “It’s always in the last place you look. Of course it is. Why would you keep looking after you found it?”


setherooo9 OP t1_j2ekulh wrote

I hadn’t heard that bit, but it was exactly what I was thinking this morning when I was looking for something.


throwamarlonwayans t1_j2ei61m wrote

This is why I always skip the first place I’d look for something. I don’t always find it, but I never stop looking.


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j2edlvu wrote

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Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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Nib2319 t1_j2egdxt wrote

Because why would you continue to look for something you have already found?


IrishFlukey t1_j2ehgr9 wrote

Not if you never find them. They could even be in a place you looked, but not well enough.


Denaton_ t1_j2ezx0k wrote

If you continue to look for the thing after you find it, you should put yourself at a mental hospital.


Express_Vehicle_6944 t1_j2fsyfc wrote

This shit gets posted but i post anything at all and it is instantly removed without justification