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Medic1248 t1_j1xl21d wrote

Oh that’s because of a different reason then. We went over that in the military because of the in vehicle fire suppression systems and now to treat injuries from that. Yeah it’s really easy. You prevent them. You aren’t saving someone that gets a lung full of freshly deployed high pressured co2 for gas suppression. Shit. There’s rough ways to die, that’s near the top of my list. It still doesn’t kill you because of overwhelming the bodies natural ph buffers but that’s because doing that takes too long. You inhale a full blast of that stuff and your lungs die in seconds from the mass damage done by the expansion of the gas as well as the pressure change of it. It’s similar to a flash freeze. This becomes toxic to the brain as well and causes bubbles and aneurisms to form.


Odd-Gear9622 t1_j1xr0b6 wrote

In a post discharge environment that hasn't been vented without SCBA, due to the displacement of O2 and high concentration of CO2 first responders have died from CO2 poisoning. I've literally been in thousands of discharges for concentration testing and they can be impressive.