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t1_j6fa8mb wrote

I didn't say Rainmace was dumb. I said rainmace thought anduril was being dumb and made a joke about that because he missed Anduril's irony.
Thank you for proving what I said about loud narcissists though.


t1_j6faluz wrote

You should look up the actual definition of a narcissist. It’s not just whatever you dream it as being. It’s as bad as calling anything you don’t like to hear as being gaslighting.


t1_j6fb0rq wrote

And you're showing entitlement, grandiosity and a total lack of reflective ability. And deceptiveness with that open deflection, implying an inability to hold yourself to account.I know what you are.
Last chance before the block now, engage my original explanation, apologise for your aggressive and incorrect attacks, or prove me right again.
EDIT: Sorry, accounting for your disability. Those are three options to pick from, not a list I want you to follow.


t1_j6fgroc wrote

Oh noooo don’t block me over sensitive internet stranger that can’t recognize or handle jokes.

What if we were meant for each other but you’ll never know cuz you blocked me????


t1_j6filzk wrote

Okay, thanks for admitting I was right. :) P.s. two different people. You really wanted to prove a total lack of reflection right?