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RugsbandShrugmyer t1_j6pfo61 wrote

Fleshbroad in flash breadlight


dragoncop1 t1_j6pg0qa wrote

Ah so thats why I got the woooosh, because people couldn't tell what word to finish with God damn I really am a dumbass and I deserve that woooosh /j


RugsbandShrugmyer t1_j6pghcl wrote

Happens to the best of us, and as the best of us, I'd know 😎


dragoncop1 t1_j6phcl5 wrote

Thank you for being so comforting o great one


RugsbandShrugmyer t1_j6phwwx wrote

I'd say "it's the least I can do", but honestly I think it might be the most. Love you.