Submitted by simdoll t3_10oyf73 in Showerthoughts

Because if you liked your appearance, why would you put an ounce of makeup into altering it?

Edit: Meant to say by MAKING you hate the way you look. Maybe more mildly not hate but think you should look a certain way. It controls the standards and therefore the products. We needed thin eyebrows, now thicker ones. Tan skin, pale skin, contouring, whatever. Just a reminder that everyone is uniquely beautiful and you should love and accept yourself even if, especially if, you don’t fit into this standard. We need more individuality out there!



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Amehvafan t1_j6hnxxx wrote

Not the angle I'd use. They survive by manipulating you into thinking OTHERS don't like the way you look. The emotion they take advantage of is your fear, not hate.


use15 t1_j6hgnuw wrote

I don't know, I dislike how I look, but I don't buy beauty products either


tkdyo t1_j6i7en2 wrote

Because even if you like the way you look you can enhance features that you want to in order to fit certain moods or styles you like. In other words, it can be a form of self expression just as much as clothes. Don't get me wrong, there are people who use it because they feel ugly, but there is also much more to it than that.


Searchingforgoodnews t1_j6j6qua wrote

I like the way I look. I also like the way makeup looks, no hate around here.


pufballcat t1_j6hgol3 wrote

There are plenty of people who chose to change their look in a way that is not conventionally beautiful


HrnyGrl420 t1_j6hhnye wrote

The popularity of plastic surgery kinda makes me wanna cry for ppl.


Happilywanderin t1_j6i2a70 wrote

I don't hate how I look at all. I just think I look a little beter with some product in my hair.


og-lollercopter t1_j6hzm8f wrote

Close. The beauty industry survives by MAKING YOU HATE the way you look.


simdoll OP t1_j6i9tlf wrote

What I meant to type!


og-lollercopter t1_j6ieag2 wrote

I pretty much figured that was what you meant. A subtle, but very meaningful difference. I get that people genuinely like the effect that beauty products have and that many women (and men, I guess), do it "for themselves." But honestly, that is even more insidious, because they have then internalized the self-loathing message that the industry has created to sell them stuff. I don't judge anyone for wanting to "feel pretty" or feel good about how they look. I judge the fuck out of society at large for the definitions of "pretty" and "looking good" that we propagate to both men and women. OK... this was gonna be a quickie comment and I stumbled upon my soapbox. I will show myself out. lol


AleeeeshaB t1_j6ir5hh wrote

No. Not “hating” the way you look. It’s about not being satisfied for most.


PaperSpartan42 t1_j6j75w4 wrote

The alcohol industry survives by me hating everything about myself.


titanjumka t1_j6nt3q8 wrote

That's why they try to make celebrities look as unnatural as possible so you buy the products to look like them


GoodLittleTerrorist t1_j6nwlnw wrote

I don't think you need the edit-- the title is true, that as long as you don't like your looks, they will have a market. Proactive spread of self-hatred is just one type of marketing


Showerthoughts_Mod t1_j6hfldt wrote

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Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!"

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Mental_Painting_ t1_j6hfnru wrote

That's a sad reality, but we are here to celebrate our unique beauty and empower everyone to embrace themselves!


MisterRound t1_j6kod7c wrote

Do people shop for clothes they like because they hate themselves or they like the clothes? Do they get a haircut they like because they hate themselves? This is a bunk take that’s more revealing than you intended, OP.