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BreakfastBeerz t1_j6mvg1n wrote

Safe bet you're a stay at home parent? Unfortunately, working parents days don't end when work does. There is still a pile of house work to be done, make dinner, do dishes, wash laundry, and whatnot. As much as I'd love to just sit down and spend all that time with my kids, there is easily an hour after I get home where I'm working that the kids can do work too. The routine is they get free time from when they get home from school around 3:30 until I get home around 5:30. Then everyone gets their work done, dinner around 6:30 which we all eat together. Then we usually have another hour or so after that for family time.


HypnoticRoots t1_j6n04a6 wrote

Lol I wish I was a stay-at-home parent!

I'm a single mom, currently working from home 🥴 There is indeed very little time in the evening for us to come together, just a couple hours really. And I have to start the bedtime routine with my youngest around 7:00 so it cuts the evening short.

Also sounds like you guys have about an hour of school work the kids need to do at home? My son easily has at least 2 hours of work every night. He's in middle school. I'm sure that will increase once he reaches high school. He's a smart kid and works independently well, but he gets so bored with the subjects because it's all so easy for him - and it still takes him a long time to complete things.

It is difficult finding a balance. I'm really glad that you guys are able to balance your routine as well as you can. That's all we can really do 💜