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YoThatsFed OP t1_j5v1tgm wrote

You can get a card reader for free?


BreakfastBeerz t1_j5v3w6f wrote

Yes, but it comes with fees. 2.6% + $.10

So if someone gives you $10, you get $9.64


YoThatsFed OP t1_j5v9jv7 wrote

Edit: everything I said was dumb ignore this lol.


Aewgliriel t1_j5va2gc wrote

That’s for everyone, though, not just the homeless. I use Square as one of my payment methods when I run booths at fairs and markets.


YoThatsFed OP t1_j5vaeyl wrote

I assumed there was ones that aren’t free that didn’t charge you a fee, that’s what my statement was based on.


burgerpizzatacocafe t1_j5vafwq wrote

That just means it's horrendous across the board.

Usury is a sin in most religions.


Aewgliriel t1_j5varp7 wrote

Agreed. A flat fee for using their service, I can see, ‘cause they’re in it to make money, not be a charity, but the fee plus taking a cut of the sale? Unfortunately, they ALL do it. And half of them are just PayPal in disguise.