Submitted by t3_11fmi3g in StamfordCT

My girlfriend and I are moving to Stamford in the summer. We’re both in our late 20s and my gf may work hybrid while I travel for work more often.

After touring apartments all day, we narrowed it down to 66 Summer and Atlantic Station West. We like the area around 66 Summer but the amenities seem better at Atlantic Station West.

If any of you have lived in these apartments, would you mind sharing the pros and cons? We would really appreciate your perspective.



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t1_jak4fhm wrote

66 Summer is not exempt from this concern but Atlantic Station West will have some form of construction directly next to it for the forseeable future. Across Tresser you have The Smyth finishing up, another development directly next to it, the lot south of you where Dogtopia is has pending approvals for construction, the parking lot next to KPMG is also supposed to be another massive apartment building. That's without considering the two remaining St. John's Towers which will almost certainly be demo'd and replaced within the next 10 years. 66 Summer will be loud for other reasons, but you won't get the blinding lights and daytime construction noise.

Purely anecdotal, I know one guy who lives in 66 Summer and he's very happy with it. Don't know anyone at Atlantic West.


t1_jaktsl8 wrote

I know someone in Atlantic Station West. Pricey yes but very nice amenities, the gym is awesome and the lobby is fancy. Units have lots of glass (with small window opening section only), nice and modern layout but not the biggest square footage and kitchens are only OK. Also lots of dogs in the building, if you care about that.


t1_jaqypz2 wrote

I’ve lived at ASW since it opened and the “sound” is not a problem at all. ASW is tucked away from the main noises of Tresser behind Atlantic Station. You hear none of the construction in those developments. If someone happens to touch the St. John’s towers would be the only exception. For the building, it’s new construction, signs throughout that it was just built fast but you get what you need from the place. Amenities are nice, proximity to the train is even nicer, the building is always being cleaned. The garage is annoyingly tight but you will always find parking spaces. Prices are way below market that you would get from nyc (not sure where you are coming from) so in my opinion def worth it.


t1_jame770 wrote

Make sure you ask if parking is available at 66 summer street. Most apartments on that block provide one parking spot per unit if you are lucky. I know people that have to rent out a monthly spot in the target parking lot


t1_jan02he wrote

There's a city garage on Summer Street not even 100 feet from the building, you don't have to go to target. It's $80 a month for a spot.


t1_jaozqdu wrote

Either way its the inconvenience of having to walk outside your building “across the street” or however far and then back up to whatever level your car is. Just warning OP that its going to be less convenient than other buildings around. Idk the parking situation at all for Atlantic Station though


t1_jan48et wrote

I live in ASW, moved April 2022 from next door (Atlantic Station). Overall I do like the building, the amenities are nice, and for summer time they open up the doors for the indoor pool. Great spot overall for the summer and decent amenities for winter. Cleaning staff is great, gym has what I need, and you can't really get closer proximity to the train station (~5 min walk ). They do a few small events per month that have free drinks and food. Haven't really had any maintenance issues. If looking for a room, choose one that is facing further south so that you get a good amount of sun/view (facing south meaning towards west stamford/95, or where the 6th floor patio is below you.

Annoyances are mostly garage parking fees ($125 for first car, $175 EXTRA for a second spot) and the fact that while this is a pet-friendly building, a lot of the owners are lazy and have their dog just pee right out the front doors so the cobblestone driveway always seems to have that going on. Parking garage can also be a little bit of a pain because most spots are designed for smaller than SUVs, but you can always get a spot.

FWIW - My renewal is up in the summer and unless a big increase happens then I plan on staying here.


t1_jao0naz wrote

Current resident of 66 summer for the past 3 years. Really only have good things to say but as you said, the amenities are pretty minimal. Management does a good job of keeping the building clean, and any maintenance request I’ve submitted is usually fixed same day. It’s a smaller building so you don’t need to deal with all the usual corporate things to get things done. We pay $150 for 2 parking spots in the garage behind like another poster said, so don’t worry about parking. The one amenity I do enjoy is the rooftop in the summer. Also, I don’t know if it is my specific unit but I have never heard any neighbor noise, which I hear is a big complaint in general in Stamford.

66 summer probably has the best location in all of Stamford in my opinion being literally on the street with the Summer St restaurant, and right in the middle of Bedford and Main St.

Atlantic Station has the benefit of being close to the train, but not by many things to do.


t1_japb169 wrote

We toured 66 Summer last year and the leasing lady did brag about all the walls and floors being concrete. Very jealous cause where we ended up (Harbor Landing) certainly is not that.