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veridicus t1_iws5n46 wrote

Think of it from the professional's point of view. There's a lot of overhead to manage all the various insurance providers. Only a group provider can do this with any efficiency. And insurance companies negotiate hard to pay them as little as possible.

If a professional can work independently and let their customers deal with paying out of pocket or submitting out-of-network insurance coverage, why not? If they weren't getting customers they would go to the insurance providers.


ruminas t1_iwsqr3w wrote

I know a LOT of insurance carriers have incredibly low rates so many companies that are smaller simply have to stay out of network, and that kind of model works in Fairfield County where there is a larger affluent population, though it obviously unfortunately affects the other large population of people who can’t afford self pay rates


lilfoodiebooty OP t1_iws636k wrote

I sympathize and understand that managing insurance can be challenging. That doesn’t make it any less frustrating when you’re looking for care. I don’t have out-of-network coverage so I’m super limited and the ratio of these types of providers seem unbalanced. I have lived across the country in both populated and lower populated areas and have never seen anything like this before. Even my small surburban hometown had a doctor folks traveled across the country to see and he took insurance. shrug