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FullM3TaLJacK3T t1_j6rion5 wrote

This is great news!

I've always complained that owning an electric car is impossible for me because my underground parking doesn't have plugs to charge a car. And I'm not willing to have the limitation of being able to charge my car only at work.

I just found out today that the building management will be installing charging plugs at every parking lot! Great news! Only question now is when will it get done....


Winjin t1_j6sf72b wrote

It will work as a bonus for everyone with ICE in winters as you can install special heating elements (simplest ones are basically heated oil rod) as they keep the car engine warm and toasty.

Which means less wear, faster start, and less idling, which is already good for the environment, even if they can't/won't switch to EV or hybrids


Beltribeltran t1_j6t5ygp wrote

Is that a problemin underground parking? I guess it will be quite less necessary


Winjin t1_j6tiht1 wrote

Dang, missed the underground park. Yeah it's not a problem if your parking space is above freezing temp.


Cash907 t1_j6tnxbs wrote

The underground parking in my last place wasn’t heated, so possibly. Covered /= heated.


Beltribeltran t1_j6u6jjd wrote

But covered tends to mean less cold and less warm even more when underground.


Cash907 t1_j6vg2n3 wrote

You don’t live in Alaska, Canada or Minnesota, do you? Underground parking lots that aren’t heated can actually get colder than the ambient air of the outside. The only thing gained is not having to clear snow and ice from your vehicle in the morning. That’s it.


sofaking1958 t1_j6tu0ws wrote

You're referring to a block heater. I think those are relics at this point. Been in Minnesota 20+ years and never even heard it discussed.