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420caveman t1_j716qij wrote

I wonder if we will end up with MDMA telehealth clinics like the medical cannabis clinics we already have.


DeusSpaghetti t1_j71kjjb wrote

Unlikely in this case. The MDMA is being used to improve CBT therapy for PTSD and is only inpatient.


blauwkoekje t1_j71yw68 wrote

CBT therapy you say?


DeadDove_donotupvote t1_j720kxl wrote

Unfortunately, there are only so many acronyms. As someone who has done CBT and is into CBT it can be a little confusing


Sirusi t1_j721lso wrote

There should be a sub for guessing which CBT is being referred to in a comment or out of context.


Glowshroom t1_j72jdh8 wrote

I volunteer to be that sub


Moderated t1_j72rg41 wrote

The T in one CBT stands for therapy while in the other it stands for torture.

As he said CBT therapy, clearly he must mean cock and ball torture therapy.


curiousdan t1_j731b6m wrote



Separate_Dust_2951 t1_j72zdwj wrote

Screams positive news for companies like NUMI th at have been working towards this and training therapists


humptydumpty369 t1_j720gaw wrote

I would like to know why we aren't seeing legal challenges in the US to have substances rescheduled. I mean obviously they have medicinal and therapeutic value so how can the Federal government claim they don't?


Madstealth t1_j722twv wrote

Our Government is filled with a bunch of old dick heads that only care about filling their own pockets that's why


A-Better-Craft t1_j724g4a wrote

Yep, between big pharma and private jails/prisons, they want to maintain the status quo.


hypnogoad t1_j725k03 wrote

Big pharma is just making sure they have a saleable product before they bribe the proper officials to legalize it. Pfizer (among others) is investing quite a bit into research right now.


[deleted] t1_j72wfuc wrote



hypnogoad t1_j732uvv wrote

Uh yeah, so it's currently trying to get phase III trial approval. That is not legalization, that is a stepping stone to legalization. It is not currently a saleable product, and not currently legal for anyone except those in the trial. Big pharma IS investing into it, obviously.

You seem unreasonably angry, maybe you should take some legal MDMA... oh wait, you can't.


TheLyz t1_j72iq0d wrote

Yeah until the tobacco industry has enough of a hold on the market to profit then there will be a quick switch.


CryCommon975 t1_j72ifvx wrote

Magic mushrooms are legal to grow in Colorado! We voted for it in the November election and doing my first harvest later today 😀 I only microdose (and truthfully don't enjoy using recreationally) and it's pretty fucking cool to be able to legally grow my own medication and that is exactly what it is- a life saving medication for so many people that might not even look sick on the outside.


GrandmasTableMints t1_j72ni84 wrote

My 70 year old retired cop parent is about to start growing shrooms and I absolutely love it!


ndngroomer t1_j755eji wrote

How was your harvest today? What is the experience like for the person who does mushrooms? I've never tried mushrooms but I've always been very curious about them and have wanted too. I honestly don't know how to find anyone near me who can get them to try it.


Midwest-life-3389 t1_j8daezj wrote

Take a trip out to CA if you can afford it.. Or OR pretty sure they sell the chocolate bars legally now..


D1sCoL3moNaD3 t1_j755anr wrote

Seriously, this has been such a better alternative for me and absolutely enjoy it.


Lisa8472 t1_j728qbk wrote

There are US medical trials for mdma and psilocybin happening, and ketamine is FDA approved. It’s not just in other countries. But then, marijuana passed medical trials decades ago, and that never changed anything. They don’t care if it’s proven useful.


ndngroomer t1_j755591 wrote

I had a major complex fracture on my left ankle back in March 2020. They gave me ketamine before they test my ankle. I still long for another hour of ketamine to this day and often think about the meaning of what I experienced back then. It was absolutely amazing.

Before it was given it to me the doctor kinda chuckled to himself and said to me... "Get ready you're really going to enjoy this"... And wow that was an understatement. Much to my dismay and angst, I was denied my repeated request for another dose, lol. It was most definitely an amazing experience that I'm still trying to figure out the message I received.


TheRealMicrowaveSafe t1_j7262br wrote

Because big pharma will have an impossible time maintaining a monopoly on the production of these substances. They're already produced illegally, imagine the set ups that normal chemists and mushroom growers could achieve if they didn't have to worry about the DEA. Competition is bad for business, so they have a vested interest in lobbying to keep it illegal.

Just in general, if you ever wonder why the US does something the way it does, the answer is money.


Ebowmango t1_j72cfxu wrote

Huh. It’s almost like a system built on winner-take-all greed might prioritize profits over people whenever possible.


Sakashar t1_j72ouxy wrote

There's also no way a company will be able to patent the substance or its synthesis (barring sudden new techniques), seeing as they have been known since the 70s. This again leads to more competition


[deleted] t1_j72wn42 wrote



TheRealMicrowaveSafe t1_j732ilk wrote

Regale us with your wisdom then, oh Typing One. Cause if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but I'ma need a lil more of a counter argument than "Nuh uhhhh! Shut up!"


[deleted] t1_j736rmo wrote



TheRealMicrowaveSafe t1_j73ipns wrote

That just adds to the question of "why are these drugs still scheduled the way they are?"


[deleted] t1_j72wina wrote



humptydumpty369 t1_j730s1t wrote

What are the reasons then that the government and hasn't bothered to reschedule these plasnt and substances? The evidence is already overwhelming for cannabis yet zero changes have been made to federal policy.


[deleted] t1_j736ywv wrote



humptydumpty369 t1_j742n48 wrote

Been waiting for 3 years for cbd to be reviewed. Wonder how long a review of thc cannabis would take?


420caveman t1_j74oh4v wrote

I have far more trust for the US FDA than I do the Australian TGA.


DukeVerde t1_j72kc5d wrote

You know technology has evolved when you can get MDMA through the receiver.


andreibrcg t1_j73425i wrote

There are certain electronic music songs that raise my BPM and almost make me want to take a shit