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gatofleisch t1_j72nsj0 wrote

The second time I took MDMA was one of the most internally healing experiences after dealing with so much trauma and chaos in my upbringing and years of self medicating with alcohol once I was free on my own.

It was like my heart and mind could finally fully align.

If I felt it, my thoughts let me recognize what I felt honestly

If I thought it, I could let myself really feel what those thoughts let me feel.

This might seem like nothing but deep rooting coping mechanisms, arrested development, fears insecurities... All these things that had built up keeping me from me - they were just gone.

Anyway, I always say abstinence only education doesn't work. For sex and drugs.

In the right quality, at the right dose - some drugs are good for you.

Get testing kits, know what a proper dose is, in general and if appropriate for your body weight.

Know when to keep hydrated, know what to do if someone does overdose.

Then your only risks are dated and unjust laws