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altcastle t1_j72rz5o wrote

I keep trying to get mushrooms to not give me a bunch of nausea. I’ve tried grinding and then putting them to soak in lemon juice. Maybe I need to try a tea.

I’m not trying to get incredibly high, I just want to want to live since long COVID has kicked my ass.


Enlightened_Ape t1_j73bo19 wrote

Look into using ginger beforehand, or somehow get your hands on ondansetron (Zofran). I use ginger root extract which comes in a dropper bottle (can be found at most health food stores). Works like a charm!


AwzemCoffee t1_j8bzf7f wrote

I had similar issues, grind them as you do. I put the powder in a measuring cup and pour some lemon juice on it (like you do for the lemon-tek). Not to much just enough to lightly saturate the fungal powder.

In about 10 minutes I use a tea kettle to pour water (just below boiling, around 90C) over the mass. About 4 - 6oz of liquid. Stir it, stir again at 10 minutes, and stir one last time at 20. Use a funnel and a cheese cloth folded several times to strain it into a cup of choice. You may have to squeeze the cheese cloth with all the wet fungus in it to get the last of the water out.

You'll have a grayish / yellow horrible tasting tea but the nausea is way less than the lemon-tek and IME just if not more potent. I also recommend some ginger chews that I eat eat a couple of. One before I drink and one during the come-up. Doing it this way has reduced my nausea to almost 0!