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Synec113 t1_j7vjtn3 wrote

That's why I didn't say 'get an IOU.' Get a lawyer to write and read contracts beforehand, otherwise you're going to get fucked.


Emotional_Parsnip_69 t1_j7vt47i wrote

Get a lawyer and go to the recruiting station, see if you get anywhere.


Synec113 t1_j7zygo6 wrote

Didn't say that, I said have a lawyer review things before you sign them - not take them as emotional support lol


Emotional_Parsnip_69 t1_j801f98 wrote

Either way it doesn’t matter is the point. It’s predatory, and sketchy and they can fully afford to turn people with resources away because ten people without means to hire someone to help them will be in desperate need of something a recruiter can promise them