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arby68 t1_j8fi4a9 wrote

I'm not sure how to respond to this :)

a) Yes, those are the 4 ingredients.


b) You're not from around here. Are you?

When it's below zero and you're cold, when it's Friday and your work week sucked, then this is the comfort food you are looking for. It pairs well with both Mt. Dew and Pouilly Fuisse.


GlandyThunderbundle t1_j8fit1s wrote

The Midwest loves their casseroles. I’m just sorta proud I pieced “tater to hot dish” together and then googled what it was.


Arki83 t1_j8g2shh wrote

There is no such thing as casseroles in MN, only hot dishes.


DoubleLigero85 t1_j8g7571 wrote

I got my MN in-laws to enjoy enjoys enchiladas by calling it "south-west hot dish"


MatterShim t1_j8fmxsp wrote

Now you have to try it. It's so damn good.


radj06 t1_j8g5u94 wrote

It's the best when you have an end of season sports banquet and you have 15 different people's versions of a hot dish, a few lasagnas and a couple crock pots full of things.


SoLuscious t1_j8g4sme wrote

In my defense, I've never heard the term hot dish (from Seattle). Been eating tater tot casserole my whole life and it's one of my favorite meals!


annomandaris t1_j8gly1g wrote

It appears to be a Shepard or hunters pie but with tater tot’s instead of mashed potatoes.


Ok-Simple5493 t1_j8jy0ji wrote

Sort of yes. Many people add cheese. It normally contains cream of something soup. It is absolutely delicious. I use a mixture of two soups.


stevedidit t1_j8gmkhj wrote

OMG. I have eaten tater tot hotdish with both of these drinks in the past, and yeah, that food just pairs well with, well, everything.


catsinspace t1_j8ivbt8 wrote

I'm from California and this was all very puzzling.


Schwornje t1_j8g1oc3 wrote

I was so proud of that idea when I submitted it.