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krichuvisz t1_j8i0m5a wrote

Unlucky if your electric power is produced with gas.


Jaker788 t1_j8i8p85 wrote

Amazingly it's more efficient to generate electricity with a gas turbine and use an electric heat pump than to use it directly at 95% efficiency. Gas turbines are usually 60% efficient since they don't use steam turbines, they use essentially a turbojet.

But with the new generation capacity being a large portion of renewables and grid scale energy storage projects such as moss landing and others will help stabilize the capacity, it's really a short term problem. Meanwhile the electric based appliances you have will only get more efficient as the grid gets more efficient and the gas ones will stay the same.


SatanLifeProTips t1_j8im04g wrote

And they are adding green power fast. 75% of all new power builds in 2023 are renewables including a massive amount of battery storage.


Psychomadeye t1_j8i71bm wrote

Oh no, using only 20% of the gas you'd use otherwise! Literally the worst!


Splenda t1_j8imo9u wrote

>Unlucky if your electric power is produced with gas.

Not really, because it won't be for long. Gas is now a dead man walking.