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Font_Fetish t1_j8o5yeq wrote

I guess I fundamentally disagree with you on what empathy is then.

These are words used for humor and self-expression, they are not causing harm to be done to any individual or group. They just feel a little uncomfortable to you because you’ve been conditioned to feel offended on behalf of others who didn’t ask for it. That’s not empathy. That’s a savior complex.

It’s not like it’s the n-word with an actual history of dehumanization and horrors beyond our comprehension. It’s an outdated medical term that is used colloquially to mean that something is dumb. Sorry I didn’t account for your sensitivity and say “mentally disabled” or “handicapped,” which honestly sound way more offensive and ableist to me.

Thank you for sharing your moral superiority with the class, I’m sure you’re beyond reproach.


Peeche94 t1_j8p0yw0 wrote

Lmao ok buddy.

Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.