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isonlegemyuheftobmed t1_j941ak3 wrote

  • if that were a concern then why would they even be announcing that they’re saving children from russia??? surely that’s a safety concern too

this comes off as a “trust me bro”


RoofClinger t1_j950ys4 wrote

They announce this kind of thing for morale. It's important for Ukrainians to know that their government is doing something about the missing children, and has seen a measure of success.

You'll notice that this article is also written in English. Ukraine needs to announce this to an international audience to keep the war in international news and keep international sympathies with Ukraine. News like this is very helpful for them from a foreign policy perspective, so spreading it around without explaining how they saved the kids gets the morale/foreign policy boost without risking their sources.


SemperScrotus t1_j956g8m wrote

>You'll notice that this article is also written in English. Ukraine needs to announce this to an international audience to keep the war in international news and keep international sympathies with Ukraine.

This isn't even a Ukrainian production, for what it's worth. It's RadioFreeEurope, which is wholly funded and operated by the US government.


t3ripley t1_j95wn3z wrote

The people who believe Radio Free Europe/Asia also believed that Saddam had nukes, and probably think Kim Jong Un personally beheads 36 orphans everyday.


CharacterOtherwise77 t1_j9427bj wrote

You can say you did something bad and if it can't be proven you won't get in trouble.


assholetoall t1_j94v3k4 wrote

For example, all the things I did to OP's mom last night.


Draisaitl t1_j948rcl wrote

And yours comes across as “where’s my tinfoil hat bro”


APr0N00b t1_j957x5b wrote

Because...Russia would know they are gone either way but now how.