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Evignity t1_j9xumt0 wrote

This is a faux "upliftingnews" alá American standards.

"STARVING FAMILY GETS FREE FOOD!" this isn't uplifting, it's fucking insane that the family was starving to begin with.

Same here, this isn't solving or helping a problem, this is treating the symptoms whilst clapping eachother on the back whilst not at all addressing the actual cause.


theblacksmith__ t1_ja1yxcl wrote

Deep breath bud. They actually agree with you.

The vast majority of us are in no position to instantly fix systemic problems.

However we do have the power to feed a hungry family for a day. (I'm using your example)

If you and I were walking down the street and you gave your share of food to some stranger because they needed it, id say that small act of kindness was uplifting too.

Does that small act fix the systemic issue that's leading to starving people? No. But at the very least you're acknowledging that you believe it's wrong. You're using the small amount of power you have to fix a fraction of a symptom, for a moment. And that's uplifting.

Its uplifting to know there are good people in the world. Right now they may not have a lot of power. But maybe one day they will. And that's uplifting.