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nospamkhanman t1_j9xedx5 wrote

When my youngest was like 2 1/2 I put him down for a nap. I checked on him like an hour later and he wasn't there.

I went ask over the house yelling and screaming. It's not like he could have left the house on his own because the front door is bolted, the sliding glass door has a blocker thing up high and the garage door is noisy as hell.

We had looked all around the house for 20 minutes and my wife was literally on the phone with 911 when I found him.

He had crawled under his bed, created a wall of toys around him then fell asleep.

I didn't see him when I looked under the bed because of the toys.

He definitely heard me screaming for him but he stayed quiet because he thought I was mad or something.


UltraInstinctLurker t1_j9xlmra wrote

Me looking at my 2 year old and taking notes


Acewasalwaysanoption t1_j9y0224 wrote

Tell them about the monsters that inhabit under their bed to avoid a similar situation. Or take away their bed. And toys. For their own safety, of course.


km_44 t1_j9yevq5 wrote

You have no kids, right?


escrimadragon t1_j9yigse wrote

No joke the best thing I did for my toddler’s safety is get an indoor camera with motion detection pointed at their door while they are napping and at night. You can tell when they’re up and which direction they went (toward kitchen, toward front door, whatever) when they left their room.


SteveHeist t1_j9yct5r wrote

My mother tells a story about me that goes something like this:

When I was about your son's age, I apparently decided one day that I was tired and wanted a quiet place to nap, so I climbed into the lazy Susan cabinet with a pillow and blanket and slept in there.

Apparently my mother was looking for me for a solid couple hours because I'd tucked myself in the back corner.

I don't remember this happening but I can still bet I was comfy xD


VURORA t1_j9zb8x3 wrote

Honestly all these situations remind me about how useful it is to have a ring camera in the house, if you lose a item you just had in your hands or a person you can scroll through hours of footage on your phone for the last location of said person or item. It helps people like me with scatter brain. Just dont become addicted to it and check constantly on stuff you shouldnt know about.