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impulsiveclick t1_ja4avoc wrote

We do not have income tax. What about that do you not understand? You have no sales tax. We have no income tax. Sales tax hurts poor people. Property taxes often also hurt poor people.


ivegot3dvision t1_ja5jk0u wrote

I understand that you don't have income tax and that Oregon doesn't have sales tax. Budgeting for projects state wide takes into account what money is coming in from various sources.

I'm not going to back down on my opinion that if there's a bridge between two states, both states should pay for it. I don't quite understand your hatred and refusal for this.


impulsiveclick t1_ja5oq9e wrote

And I won’t back down because it was not put on the state. It was put on the city.

my hatred is coming from your blaming. And the fact that you deny what was really going on. Raising sales tax for everyone again really?

Washington state neglect pretty much everywhere that isn’t Seattle. And a lot of people in Oregon say the same thing if they don’t live in Portland.

Why would the most populated area, Seattle or the second most populated area Spokane, give a flying shit about anyone who isn’t themselves?

Portland can sway their state and government very easily because they’ve got the population to do so. because they have the economics to do so.

blaming Washington state for wanting a smaller bridge which y’all refused to accept a smaller bridge because we couldn’t afford it because it was a Vancouver Washington that was paying Not the rest of it.

Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia. Those are the big cities here. Oh Oregon has one big city and then they have Eugene and Salem. it just happens to be that y’all are on the border of the state.

There was fighting. Stupid fucking people protesting the fucking light rail. Oh I can’t even call that particularly controversial as an element these days. I am only responsible for things that happened after 2008. Because that’s when I start voting.

But ultimately this was a huge fucking fight because the state didn’t want to pay for it. Because only our city would be using it. And high and mighty ivory tower Portland Oregon victim blaming


impulsiveclick t1_ja5qcog wrote

Oh and here’s a down vote since you down voted me. And you know I really don’t appreciate how y’all sent Joe Kent over here. he was a monster. And that’s what your culture produces. He was a real piece of work. He thought he could put a different bridge someplace else.

but hey if you want to put down my state, two can play at that game. I can absolutely rip Oregon a new one for violating peoples constitutional rights on the daily for the last decade. And by constitutional rights I mean like a right to a speedy trial. And endangering the public with its lack of public defenders. but if you said you just didn’t have the money I’d understand.

you know I’d understand a lot better if it wasn’t for the fact that the median income raised in Oregon more than any other state. everyone is in reality richer, and we are more at each other’s throats than we’ve ever been.

I miss when Portland was poor like we were. Because at least then you were nice