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axw3555 t1_j9yq3py wrote

Mental inertia in the people running it.

My job can be almost entirely done on computer, from anywhere. I could literally go in like 2 mornings a week. Some of my colleagues are 100% digital.

Boss still has a "work from home doesn't work for me" philosophy. But he's also got the old mindset of "I value the time, not the work". If I go in, do all my work in 34 hours, and I spend the last hour chatting (one hour spread across a week), he'll complain about it.

It's something that will change, but in a lot of cases it's going to require senior management aging out of the workforce.


Nik_of_Thyme t1_j9ytyqm wrote

This is my situation. My direct supervisor doesn't want WFH. Not even 3 out of 5 days. And everything I do could be wfh.


axw3555 t1_j9yy94b wrote

The really dumb thing is that my boss has the longest commute of all of us, and he's been overseas for the last 2 weeks for his mother's funeral, but as a workaholic, he's still been working fine. I do wonder at the dissonance of "you can't work from home because it would be bad for productivity, even though I m working from 7 time zones away with no problem".