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Odd-Turnip-2019 t1_ja1ckk1 wrote

As a machinist I hated the 4x10s.. it's great for a while, you think you get a long weekend, but for me, I was up at 3am to get to work and start at 5am with my commute, then finished at 330pm, got home around 6 sometimes depending on traffic, and had to be in bed so early (like 730) to get enough sleep I had no social life on week nights OR I had less than 5 hours sleep a night, and in either case I didn't have enough time to even keep a clean house during the week (single man home owner with no kids or anyone to pick up slack). So where I thought it'd be great having a long weekend, Friday was always spent asleep, too exhausted to do anything, and having to do all my chores and errands that were neglected during the week, and I had to be in bed so early Sunday, it felt like I only got half a weekend.. it sucked in summer.. even with blackout curtains. I'd end up sleeping on the couch in a nest and not showering or changing my work clothes for days to save time.

As an office jerk or working from home though it may be different. That was my experience. I'd go all week without seeing the sun till the weekend in winter lol.


FunnySynthesis t1_ja29yqm wrote

While I do agree with the whole going to bed early thing sucking Id say the experience all depends on the person. I used to come home everyday after work go to the gym, make dinner, load the dishes, shower, and watch a few videos or draw and then get my 8 hours of sleep and honestly aside from the actual job it was some of my fondest times. Having a regiment is very nice to me. While I wouldn’t want either long term its much preferable to a 9x5 in my eyes.