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_newbeginnings_ t1_ja3cqga wrote

Which ways?? I’d love you to enlighten us on how Florida became the most popular state to move to in the country despite “DeSantis&Co” screwing it up?

Thanks for being your typical leftist hive mind self, Reddit!


mrevergood t1_ja3lzcx wrote

You mean a bunch of hyper conservatives from other states got mad that their state actually handled the pandemic like adults, and decided to move to a state that willfully manipulated and then covered up data re: covid and kept the state running as if it was business as usual?

You mean other fascist wannabe’s like the fascist strongman who says and does the things they like and decided to move where their fascist strongman is making moves to set himself up as a king?

You don’t say!


Thewalrus515 t1_ja3h9m0 wrote

Because rightists like angry man and move to where angry man is.


TeamRedundancyTeam t1_ja3tl1v wrote

I mean should we start with the conservatives corrupt handling of pollution that lead to all the massive algae blooms that keep wiping out massive amounts of wildlife?


CashKeyboard t1_ja3tatr wrote

Florida won the geographic/topological places to live lottery and state politics don’t affect that in any way. They’d need to start randomly flaying people on the street until they stop coming.


MahavidyasMahakali t1_ja42idw wrote

What's this? A republican pretending their leaders aren't destroying education, the economy, and the environment? What a shock!